1,387 research outputs found

    Popular Sovereignty in Missouri

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    The LAB@FUTURE Project - Moving Towards the Future of E-Learning

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    This paper presents Lab@Future, an advanced e-learning platform that uses novel Information and Communication Technologies to support and expand laboratory teaching practices. For this purpose, Lab@Future uses real and computer-generated objects that are interfaced using mechatronic systems, augmented reality, mobile technologies and 3D multi user environments. The main aim is to develop and demonstrate technological support for practical experiments in the following focused subjects namely: Fluid Dynamics - Science subject in Germany, Geometry - Mathematics subject in Austria, History and Environmental Awareness – Arts and Humanities subjects in Greece and Slovenia. In order to pedagogically enhance the design and functional aspects of this e-learning technology, we are investigating the dialogical operationalisation of learning theories so as to leverage our understanding of teaching and learning practices in the targeted context of deployment

    Do German university medical centres promote robust and transparent research? A cross-sectional study of institutional policies

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    Background: In light of replication and translational failures, biomedical research practices have recently come under scrutiny. Experts have pointed out that the current incentive structures at research institutions do not sufficiently incentivise researchers to invest in robustness and transparency and instead incentivise them to optimize their fitness in the struggle for publications and grants. This cross-sectional study aimed to describe whether and how relevant policies of university medical centres in Germany support the robust and transparent conduct of research and how prevalent traditional metrics are. Methods: For 38 German university medical centres, we searched for institutional policies for academic degrees and academic appointments as well as websites for their core facilities and research in general between December 2020 and February 2021. We screened the documents for mentions of indicators of robust and transparent research (study registration; reporting of results; sharing of research data, code and protocols; open access; and measures to increase robustness) and for mentions of more traditional metrics of career progression (number of publications; number and value of awarded grants; impact factors; and authorship order). Results: While open access was mentioned in 16% of PhD regulations, other indicators of robust and transparent research were mentioned in less than 10% of institutional policies for academic degrees and academic appointments. These indicators were more frequently mentioned on the core facility and general research websites. Institutional policies for academic degrees and academic appointments had frequent mentions of traditional metrics. Conclusions: References to robust and transparent research practices are, with a few exceptions, generally uncommon in institutional policies at German university medical centres, while traditional criteria for academic promotion and tenure still prevail

    Environmental aspects of the transuranics. A selected, annotated bibliography

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    Drohende Kreditklemme : sollten die Basel-II-Regeln überholt oder zeitweise ausgesetzt werden?

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    Im Gefolge der Finanzkrise werden Forderungen nach einer Reform oder sogar einer zeitlichen Aussetzung von Basel II laut. Kritisiert wird vor allem die systemimmanente Prozyklizität. Ist dieser Mechanismus mitverantwortlich für die bestehende oder vermeintliche Kreditklemme? Martin Hellwig vermisst bei dem derzeit praktizierten System der Eigenkapitalregulierung von Banken die konzeptionelle Grundlage. Die intendierte Wirkungsweise sei nie dargelegt worden. Tatsächlich habe die Eigenkapitalregulierung in der Krise als »Brandbeschleuniger und nicht als Feuerlöscher« gewirkt und sollte »grundlegend umgebaut oder abmontiert« werden. Für Martin Faust sind Basel I und Basel II nicht die alleinige Ursache für eine Kreditklemme, sie haben jedoch die Entwicklung, die dazu geführt hat, begünstigt. Die Antwort auf die aktuelle Krise solle daher nicht die Aufweichung der Basel-II-Regeln, z.B. bei der Akzeptanz von Eigenkapitalbestandteilen, sein, sondern eine grundlegende Reform. Auch Hans-Peter Burghof sieht viele Gründe, die Baseler Regeln zu überarbeiten. Denn diese Regeln seien »ein höchst unvollkommener Kompromiss zwischen dem aus Sicht der Theorie Erstrebenswerten und dem in der Praxis Machbaren«. Aussetzen solle man die Baseler Normen aber nicht, da eine unzureichende Eigenkapitalregulierung gefährlich sei und Banken ohne ausreichende Eigenkapitalausstattung ein Systemrisiko darstellen. Mario Ohoven führt die Kreditklemme auf ein Regulierungsversagen zurück. Basel II verzerre die Kreditmärkte, weil es Kredite und Verbriefungen ungleich behandle. Das Regelwerk müsse durch Basel III ersetzt werden, damit sich die Kreditversorgung des Mittelstands nicht weiter verschlechtere. Christoph Schalast findet derzeit kaum überzeugende Argumente für ein Aussetzen von Basel II. Vielmehr könnte eine solche Maßnahme das gerade wieder entstehende Vertrauen in die und in der Finanzindustrie erschüttern.

    Thermochemical conversion of polyethylene in a fluidized bed: Impact of transition metal-induced oxygen transport on product distribution

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    Thermochemical conversion in dual fluidized bed (DFB) systems is a potential alternative to the recycling of abundantly available plastic waste. The development of oxygen transport in DFB systems is in most cases unavoidable due to the transition metal content of the bed material as well as the metal fraction in the waste stream. This work investigates the influence of transition metal oxide-induced oxygen transport on the thermochemical conversion of high-density polyethylene, a model plastic feedstock, in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. Conversion in the reactor at 700 \ub0C was investigated using four different bed materials that had different concentrations of iron oxide. The share of carbon oxides among the gaseous products increased with an increase in the iron oxide content of the bed material. The yield of light olefinic and paraffinic compounds decreased with increased iron oxide content of the bed. The presence of iron oxide in the bed material significantly increased the formation rates of aromatic compounds and solid carbon deposits on the bed material. The observed shift in the product distribution due to oxygen transport follows a dehydrogenation-type reaction mechanism

    The Influence of Professional Development on Teachers\u27 Psychosocial Perceptions of Teaching a Health-Related Physical Education Curriculum

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    The impact of a yearlong professional development intervention on physical education teachers\u27 psychosocial perceptions was investigated. Experienced mentor teachers (n = 15) were paired with inexperienced protégé teachers (n = 15) who helped them learn how to teach a health-related physical education curriculum (i.e., the Exemplary Physical Education Curriculum). Using the theory of planned behavior as the guiding theory, it was hypothesized that teachers would experience favorable increases in various psychological constructs (e.g., attitude) and variables reflecting the social culture of their schools (e.g., administrator\u27s perceptions) as compared with control teachers (n = 17). A variety of statistically significant main and interaction effects with mean scores in expected directions were found. In general, mentors and protégés developed a more positive view of their own psychological state (e.g., perceived behavioral control) and of the immediate school social environment (i.e., support from administrators and fellow teachers). The significant results, combined with meaningful effect sizes, supported the effectiveness of this intervention

    Teachers Mentoring Teachers: A View Over Time

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    from the introduction: It was the purpose of this investigation to explore one school districtʼs professional development program intended to address the challenges that newer teachers face when learning new curricula

    The Effectiveness of Mentoring-Based Professional Development on Physical Education Teachers\u27 Pedometer and Computer Efficacy and Anxiety

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    The purpose of our study was to examine the impact of mentoring-based professional development on physical education teachers\u27 efficacy. Experienced mentor teachers were paired (n = 15) with inexperienced protégé teachers (n = 15) at the beginning of a yearlong intervention study. It was hypothesized that teachers would increase their efficacy to use pedometers and computers to enhance instruction, and reduce their computer anxiety. Repeated-measures ANOVAs for mentors and protégés revealed a variety of significant main effects. We found increases in computer and pedometer efficacy. A second set of repeated-measures ANOVAs based on mentors\u27, protégés\u27, and control groups\u27 scores revealed a significant interaction for computer efficacy, indicating that both mentors and protégés significantly increased their computer efficacy compared with the control group. Finally, a significant interaction effect was also found for pedometer efficacy, again indicating that both groups significantly increased their efficacy compared with control teachers

    Interactions between Automotive Shredder Residue and Olivine Bed Material during Indirect Fluidized Bed Gasification

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    Thermal conversion of automotive shredder residue (ASR) using indirect fluidized bed gasification was conducted in the Chalmers semi-industrial 2-4-MWth gasifier. The bed material consisted of olivine that was activated through the deposition of biomass ash prior to a 13-day exposure to ASR. The interactions between the bed material and the ASR ash were investigated using XRD, SEM-EDS, and thermodynamic modeling. The deposition of iron (Fe) onto the olivine particles was noted, and this is likely to increase the oxygen-carrying ability of the particles. Furthermore, at the end of the campaign, about one-third of the particles in the bed were found to originate from the ASR ash. These particles were rich in Fe and Si, as well as elements found exclusively in the ASR ash, such as Zn, Ti, and Cu. Some of these particles exhibited a hollow morphology, suggesting a melt state during their formation in the gasifier. In addition, a low level of agglomeration of the ash and olivine particles was detected. Thermodynamic modeling with the FactSage software indicated the formation of slag. This study presents a detailed investigation of the interactions that occur between the bed material and an ash-rich fuel such as ASR. The findings may have applications in demonstrating the induction of oxygen-carrying ability in bed materials or for metal recycling through the separation of ash particles from the bed material